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Reference Guides / JavaScript API / Annotations / AddRulerAnnotInteractive


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Here is a code example showing how the draw a green text annotation by showing the creation dialog with custom preloaded properties values.

function addTimeStamp() {
    timeStampAppearance = {
        fill: false,
        stroke: false,
        fontStyle: 0,
        foreColor: "#1CA30D",
        opacity: 1,
        text: "Paid by cash",
        alignment: 0,
        lineAlignment: 0
    DocuViewareAPI.AddTextAnnotInteractive("DocuVieware1", timeStampAppearance, true, ["fontName","fontStyle","foreColor","fontSize","text","opacity"]);

Each annotation having its own properties, please refer to the corresponding function documentation below to have a comprehensive list of it.


This function allows you to add a ruler annotation (annotation type 15) onto a document into the DocuVieware™ viewer.

AddRulerAnnotInteractive: function (docuViewareID[, annotationAppearance, showDialog, enabledProperties])


The identifier for the DocuVieware™ instance you want to add the annotation on.
An optional JavaScript object that contains the appearance you want the annotation to have. Annotation properties are listed below.
An optional boolean that let you decide if the annotation dialog should be shown or not (this requires the annotationAppearance to be sent).
An optional string array that let you decide what properties are going to be shown in the annotation creation dialog.

Return Value

1 if error, 0 if success.

Ruler Annotation Properties

Name Type Default
borderWidth float 0.04
dashCap int 0
dashStyle int 0
fontName string "Arial"
fontSize int 12
fontStyle int 0
foreColor string "#000000"
measurementUnit int 1
opacity float 1
rotation int 0
strokeColor string "#000000"
scale float 0